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Beyond her songs, albums and music videos, there are other forms of art and her career Lady Gaga references religion through, such as her performances, concert tours, interviews, and fashion.


Below are several photos of Lady Gaga performing during her Born This Way Ball tour:















Religion, like her songs and music videos, influences her concerts and live performances/tours. Her personal beliefs, of Jesus Christ and Christianity, reflect in the outfits she wears, the sets that line the stages she performs on, and the overall theatricality of her performances. 













In an interview with CNN, she spoke about her religious beliefs:


“Well I struggle with my feelings, about the church in particular, but I guess, quite honest it’s completely separate isn’t it. Religion and the church are two completely separate things – but in terms of religion...ahh...I am very religious. I was raised Catholic. I believe in Jesus. I believe in God. I’m very spiritual. I pray very much but at the same time there is no one religion that doesn’t hate or speak against or is prejudiced against another racial group or religious group or sexual group and for that I think religion is also bogus. So I suppose you could say I’m quite a religious woman but very confused about religion. I dream and envision a future where we have a more peaceful religion or a more peaceful world or a more peaceful state of mind for the younger generation. That’s what I dream for.”


She was then asked, “Do you believe you will go somewhere when you pass on?” to which she responded, “Do I believe in Heaven or Hell? I guess I believe I will go to heaven; but I suppose I could go either way, couldn’t I?”
















This interview shows her true beliefs in religion. She states that she is a firm believer in Catholicism, in Jesus Christ and the power of prayer. However, she does admit that above all, she wishes for world peace and equality, something the bible does not necessarily believe in/address. She believes in the power of religion and how it can unite people as one, and she uses religion to empower people, especially her fans, assuring them that God is responsible for making us all the way we are. She has gotten through tough times in her life through religious methods such as praying to God for forgiveness or guidance and strength, and through her music and art shares this empowerment with others. 












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