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Throughout her entire life, Lady Gaga has believed in and practiced the Roman Catholic religion. From growing up with and being raised by a family that taught her Catholic morals and values, to attending Catholic schools all through her younger life, to even now when she prays for guidance and strength from God, the Catholic religion has always been a major part of her life. 


Being a popstar known by so many people around the world, it is common to live somewhat of a "double life", meaning that celebrities and artists often live a personal life that is much different that the life they portray - or rather, that the media portray's - for their fans and everyone else in the world. There is often a disconnect between their own personal beliefs, morals, values, etc. and the beliefs they portray to the world. Sometimes this may be a marketing tool, for example if a musician says they agree with something or do not like something, simply in order to appeal to the masses and avoid backlash. Other times, it is an artist's fear that the two worlds will collide and intertwine if they are too open and transparent with the public and that they will lose their grounding and personal life, and therefore create a veil or distraction from their real life. 


With Lady Gaga, her lifelong beliefs when it comes to religion have stayed true to her and continue to reflect in her everyday life and work. All art she creates, whether it is music, visuals, fashion - all contain references to Catholicism or allude to her religious beliefs. It is often used in her art to symbolize modern day situations, or as a metaphor to represent a greater message. No matter what vehicle of art Lady Gaga creates or the role religion plays, it always finds it's way to influence her work somehow, showing that an artist can share the same personal religious beliefs and values as the ones they portray in their art for the world to consume.


















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